Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any order minimums?
Most orders have a minimum of $250. If you are interested in purchasing small quantities, please visit our online seed shop here:
We gather quotes from various carriers to ensure reliable shipping at competitive rates. Orders weighing between 200-250 lbs or less are typically shipped via UPS in boxes, while orders exceeding that weight are shipped on pallets through various freight companies.
None of the seed we sell is intended for human consumption and is for planting only.
We do not sell live plants from a nursery location. However, we do offer a limited selection of species as seedlings which are available only in large quantities. Orders for seedlings must be placed a year in advance of delivery. For more details, please reach out to us.
Each of the specific lots of seed we sell are thoroughly tested by a licensed and accredited by AOSA seed laboratory to guarantee optimal germination and purity.

The NRCS has provided an extensive Plant Database. This website contains plant profiles, plant guides and fact sheets for many species. By clicking this link, you will be navigated away from our website:

Certain weed species are classified as noxious or prohibited to prevent the introduction of nonindigenous invasive plants into the United States. Each state maintains its own list of noxious and prohibited weeds.
We meticulously source our extensive native seed supplies from reputable suppliers or collect the seed ourselves, ensuring high purity and careful collection and processing.
PLS stands for Pure Live Seed and represents the percentage of seed that has the potential to germinate.
Natural Resources Conservation Service offers technical and financial assistance to help farmers, ranchers and forest landowners. For more information, click this link to be taken to their website: