Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Elymus elymoides, Bottlebrush Squirreltail
(old nomenclature: Sitanion hystrix) (Native)

Cool-season, perennial, short-lived bunchgrass, ½ – 2 ft. tall. Occurs naturally through much of western North America in various habitats. Grows on all soil types, tolerates moderate saline and alkali soils. Very drought-tolerant and will establish and survive in areas with 5 – 6 inches precipitation. Grows from low to high elevations. Can compete well with cheat-grass and meadusahead and is quite fire-resistant. Fair to good forage in early spring and during winter for wildlife and livestock Very valuable native grass species for rangeland restoration and improvement and as an assisted succession species. Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep. 192,000 seeds/lb.

Named Releases: ‘Fish Creek Germplasm’ Natural track, selected class germplasm was released by the USDA-ARS lab in Logan, UT in 2003. From an accession in Blaine Co., ID. Adapted for use in the Snake River Plains and similar areas.

‘Toe Jam Creek Germplasm’ Natural track, selected class germplasm released by the USDA-ARS in Logan, UT in 2003. Originated as an eco-type in Elko Co., NV. Adapted for use in the lower Snake Plains, Northern Great Basin and similar areas.

‘Tulsa Germplasm’ Natural track, selected class germplasm released by the NRCS and NMSU-ASC in 2001. Adapted for use in the southwestern US.

‘Pueblo Germplasms and Wapiti Germplasm’ are both natural track selected class releases originating in Colorado. Suited for use in S. Colorado, N. New Mexico and similar sites.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide