Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Poa ampla
Big Bluegrass (Native)


Poa ampla,
Big Bluegrass (Native)

Medium height, 2 – 4 ft. tall, long-lived, cool-season and drought-tolerant. Most robust sandberg bluegrass complex species.  Adapted to all soil textures but does best on deep loamy textures.  Fair tolerance to alkaline and acidic soils.  Excellent cold tolerance.  Very palatable forage, greens up 2 – 3 weeks before crestedwheat.  Moderate grazing and shade tolerance. Valuable for pasture, rangeland, watershed and wildlife habitat improvement and disturbed land restoration.  Minimum precip. is 9 – 10 inches. Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch. deep. 880,000 seeds/lb.

Named Release:Sherman’ (Cultivar) Released in 1945 by the WA/ID/OR AES’s and the Pullman, WA PMC. Origin is from a native stand near Moro, OR. Large stature 2 – 3 ft. tall, intended to be used on adapted sites in the west for disturbed land revegetation.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet