Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Schoenoplectus acutus occidentalis, Hardstem Bulrush
(old nomenclature: Scirpus acutus) (Native)

Tall, robust, 4 – 8 ft., perennial, water- obligate, rhizomatous, wetland species often forming pure thicket-like stands. Found throughout much of the western US from mid to low elevations. Usually grows in shallow water on most soil textures. Tolerant of alkaline, saline and brackish water. Resprouts after fire. Very good food, cover and habitat for many wetland habitat species of wildlife including waterfowl, eagles, hawks, muskrats and many more. Very valuable species for wetlands restoration. Plant spring or fall ¼ inch or less. 400,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide