Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani
Softstem Bulrush (Native)


Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani, Softstem Bulrush
(old nomenclature: Scirpus validus) (Native)

Tall, stout, 4 – 9 ft. tall, water-obligate, rhizomatous, perennial, wetland species often forming dense stands. Occurs throughout the US on typical wetland sites from low to mid elevations. Occurs in both fairly deep or shallow water sites on all textures of usually poorly drained soils. Very saline, fire, and moderately alkali tolerant. Very good wildlife food, cover habitat for many wetland wildlife habitat species. Plant fall or spring ¼ inch or less deep. 500,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide