Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Acer glabrum
Rocky Mountain Maple (Native)

Available: 50000/50000
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Acer glabrum,
Rocky Mountain Maple (Native)

Small, 5 – 15 ft. tall, deciduous shrub or small tree distributed throughout much of the western US along streams, in canyons, and on mountain slopes, usually at mid-elevations. Grows best on well-drained, silty to sandy or gravelly and rocky soils. Moderately acid, and slightly alkali tolerant. Winter-hardy and moderate shade-tolerance. Poor palatability to livestock and fairly good to deer and elk. Good habitat for many species of wildlife.  Used for watershed and wildlife habitat improvement and native landscaping. Minimum precip. is 12 – 14 inches. Plant in fall ½ – 1 inch deep. 13,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide