Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Amelanchier utahensis,
Utah Serviceberry (Native)

Similar to Saskatoon Serviceberry, in many characteristics. Perennial, 3 – 15 ft. tall. Many branched, variable shrub that occurs in all of the western states, from 2,000 – 9,000 ft. elev. Grows best on coarse to medium textured, well drained soils on sites from 10 – 21 inch precip. Resprouts from crown after fire. Good quality palatable forage for wildlife and livestock. Very good cover and food for wildlife. Berries stay on plant long, often into winter providing good food for birds and mammals. Very valuable species for restoration of western wildlands.  Plant ¼ – ½ inch deep in fall. 40,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet