Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Atriplex canescens,
Fourwing Saltbrush (Native)

Medium, 2 – 6 ft. tall, deciduous to evergreen shrub, distributed throughout most of the western US from 500 – 8,500 ft. elevation. Grows on all soil textures but most common on medium to coarse, deep, well-drained soils on sand dunes, washes, mesas, ridges and slopes. Excellent alkali and salt-tolerance. Not tolerant to high water tables. Very valuable, abundant forage producer. Palatable and nutritious to both livestock and many species of wildlife year round. Excellent food and cover for birds and small mammals. Tolerant to fairly heavy grazing. One of the most important shrubs to plant on adapted sites for range and wildlife habitat improvement. Also useful for disturbed site restoration of mining and other soil disturbing activities and for native landscaping. Is important to obtain seed from sources with compatible environmental conditions, especially climate. Minimum precip. is 6 – 9 inches. Plant in fall ¼ – ½ inch deep. 55,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet