Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Gutierrezia sarothrae, Broom Snakewood
(old nomeclature: Xanthocephalum sarothrae) (Native)

Bushy, perennial, 8 – 28 inches tall, short-lived, deep tap-rooted shrub found throughout the western states on arid and semi-arid sites. Grows on rocky plains, dry foothills, ridge-tops, slopes and semi-desert valley bottoms on a wide range of soils. Grows from 3,500 – 9,500 ft. in elevation in the 5 -18 inch precip. zone. An aggressive invader often associated with livestock overgrazing or some kind of soil disturbance. Poor forage for livestock and can be poisonous. Fair to good forage and cover for some species of wildlife. Plant in fall ¼ inch deep or less. 400,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide