Pasture Improvement Seed Mixes
Offering affordable and high-quality forage for livestock, our pasture improvement grass seed mixes are carefully designed to enhance your pastures and ensure happy and healthy livestock. The purpose of a pasture grass seed mix is to enhance and improve the quality of grazing land for livestock. These mixes are carefully formulated to provide nutritious forage, promote soil health, and withstand the demands of grazing animals. By selecting the appropriate mix, you can optimize pasture productivity, leading to healthier livestock and improved overall land management.
Range Improvement & Restoration Seed Mixes
We provide rangeland seed mixes designed to improve or restore all the different range-type lands. Rangeland improvement and restoration grass seed mixes are designed to restore and enhance natural ecosystems in rangeland areas. These specialized mixes are also designed to increase biodiversity, improve soil stability, and restore a healthy ecosystem. By utilizing these mixes, land managers can rehabilitate degraded rangelands, mitigate erosion, and promote sustainable land use practices for both wildlife and livestock all while potentially providing recreation, solitude, wildlife habitat, watershed, and much more.
The links below will take you to our ecommerce website where you can purchase small quantities directly. For large quantity orders, please contact us here.

Sometimes tough situations call for a simple, straight forward answer, for dryland pastures this is it! This simple blend consists of three drought tolerant grass species that are well adapted to perform in arid dryland conditions. These tried and true grasses have been used extensively on dryland with great success. You can count on these species to produce the forge your livestock demands. Minimum precipitation is 11 inches.
Species Included:
- Crested Wheatgrass
- Intermediate Wheatgrass
- Smooth Brome
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 12–16 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 18–24 lbs/acre
Best results are obtained by seeding early in the spring on heavy to medium soils or as a fall dormancy planting on medium to light soils. ¼ – ½ inch planting depth. Delay grazing until the late summer or early fall of the second growing season after seeding to ensure seedling establishment.

Our Premium Dryland mix is designed to succeed in the difficult environment of dryland pastures and is suitable for areas with minimum precipitation of 11 inches per year. It contains an exceptional selection of well-regarded drought tolerant grass and alfalfa varieties that can help you meet your production goals. These proven performers can help revitalize your degraded pasture or start fresh with a new planting. This mix has all the ingredients to help you succeed with your dryland pasture.
Species Included:
- Crested Wheatgrass (Rangecrest)
- Pubescent Wheatgrass (Luna)
- Smooth Brome (Manchar)
- Orchard Grass (Paiute)
- Alfalfa (Ladak)
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 12–16 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 18–24 lbs/acre
Best results are obtained by seeding early in the spring on heavy to medium soils and as a fall dormancy planting on medium to light soils. ¼ inch planting depth. Delay grazing until the late summer or early fall of the second growing season after seeding to ensure seedling establishment.

This pasture mix is intended for use where there is limited or seasonal irrigation availability. The species and varieties are slightly different compared to the irrigated mix to fit this application. These grass and forb species will produce with or without full irrigation and have moderate drought tolerance. Can be grazed or cut for hay. Great for pastures that receive only spring irrigation.
Species Included:
- Meadow Brome (Cache)
- Tall Fescue (Endophyte Free)
- Orchardgrass (Paiute)
- Intermediate Wheatgrass (Oahe)
- Alfalfa (Hytons Blend)
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 20–25 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 28–35 lbs/acre
Can be seeded anytime the soil can be kept moist. Depending on your irrigation availability, a fall (dormant) or early spring seeding may be best if irrigation is limited in summer months. ¼ inch planting depth. Do not graze until plants are well established. For best results apply fertilizer according to a soil test. This mix requires a minimum of 16 inches of total precipitation.

Our premium irrigated mix is designed to get the most out of your pasture and can be grazed or cut for hay. It includes a premium blend of grasses and forbs to get peak production out of your irrigated pasture. Hytons Alfalfa is a blend of premium varieties adapted to produce in a wide range of soil types and conditions. These highly productive species are ready go to work for you.
Species Included:
- Meadow Brome (Cache)
- Orchard Grass (Potomac)
- Perennial Ryegrass (Amazon)
- Tall Fescue (Fawn)
- Alfalfa (Hytons Blend)
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 20–25 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 28–35 lbs/acre
Can be seeded anytime the soil can be kept moist. ¼ inch planting depth. If seeded in late fall or early spring, delay grazing until late summer or early fall when plants are well established. For best results and maximum production obtain a soil test and fertilize according to the recommendations. This mix requires a minimum of 18 inches of irrigation. Irrigate according to your climate and soil type for best performance.

Drought tolerant, low growing, and virtually maintenance free, this mix is Ideal for revegetating and beautifying bare areas, controlling erosion, and suppressing weeds. Particularly useful in border areas beyond landscaping to cover bare soil and prevent unwanted weed or vegetative encroachment.
Species Included:
- Sandberg Bluegrass
- Crested Wheatgrass (Low growing variety)
- Sheep Fescue (Covar)
- Hard Fescue (Durar)
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 16–20 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 22–28 lbs/acre
Can be seeded anytime during the growing season if using irrigation for stand establishment. If no irrigation is available, a fall (dormant) or early spring seeding will be best. ¼ inch seeding depth. Drilling is the preferred method of seeding, but if not practical, broadcasting seed is acceptable. Can be mowed/grazed or left to grow naturally, if mowed or grazed leave a 4 inch stubble height. Requires a minimum of 12 inches of annual precipitation. Can be irrigated, but irrigation is not necessary if annual precipitation exceeds 12 inches.

Perfect for your cabin or mountain recreation area. Excellent choice for revegetating and beautifying disturbed areas, controlling erosion, and suppressing weed encroachment. For use on ground disturbance and excavation sites from pipelines, well sites, road cuts, and construction. Adapted to elevations above 5000’ with a minimum of 16 inches of precipitation.
Species Included:
- Kentucky Bluegrass
- Mountain Brome
- Slender Wheatgrass
- Hard Fescue
Seeding Rate:
- Drill: 16–20 lbs/acre
- Broadcast: 22–28 lbs/acre
Fall seeding is recommended unless supplemental irrigation is available for establishment. ¼ inch seeding depth. Drilling is preferred but if not possible due to terrain or other limitations broadcasting is acceptable.