Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Artemisia arbuscula,
Low Sagebrush (Native)

Short, 6 – 24 inches tall, irregularly-branched, evergreen, perennial, sagebrush species that occurs in all western states west of the Rocky Mtns. except for AZ. Grows on dry plains and hills usually on shallower soils, less productive sites. Precipitation zone is from 6 – 18 inches at elevations from 2,300 – 10,000 ft. Considered a valuable browse plant to wildlife and some livestock. Important habitat species for wildlife including birds such as sage grouse and mammals such as pygmy rabbits, deer and antelope. Very valuable shrub species for restoration of disturbed rangelands in the west on adapted sites. Plant in fall on top of rough surface to 1/8 inch deep, or on top of snow. 1,000,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide