Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Buchloe dactyloides,
Buffalograss (Native)

Short, 4 – 10 inches tall, perennial, warm-season, sod-forming grass. Does best on medium to clay textures, less adapted to sandy soils. Has good drought and grazing tolerance and fair salt tolerance. One of the most important forage grasses of the short-grass and mixed-grass prairies. Nutritious and palatable especially when green for both livestock and wildlife. Used for turfgrass, range improvement and soil stabilization. Minimum precip. is 12 inches. Plant in spring ½ – ¾ inch deep.
56,000 seeds/lb.

Named Varieties:Texoka’ (Cultivar) Released by the OK Exp. Station in 1974.

‘Comanche’ (Cultivar) Developed from several strains of Texoka for even growth, rich color and vigor of Texoka.

‘Sharps Improved’  Is treated by a special process to lower the dormancy of seed to establish more quickly.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet