Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Cercocarpus ledifolius,
Curl-leaf Mountain Mahogany (Native)

Large, 8 – 30 ft. tall, evergreen shrub or small tree scattered throughout much of the mountainous western US from 2,000 – 9,000 ft. elevation. Adapted to warm, dry, often rocky slopes and ridges usually on shallow coarse soils but also on loamy or clay soils. Usually grows in open to dense patches or stands. Very palatable, nutritious forage for browsing animals especially in the winter. Important for range and wildlife habitat improvement and restoration. Also used for mining reclamation and native landscaping. Minimum precip. is 12 – 14 inches. Plant in fall ¼ – ½ inch deep. 52,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile