Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Coleogyne ramosissima
Blackbrush (Native)


Coleogyne ramosissima,
Blackbrush (Native)

Perennial, 1 – 5 ft. tall, evergreen, drought-deciduous shrub which occurs primarily in the transition zone between the Mojave and Great Basin deserts and on the western border of the Sonoran Desert often as a dominant shrub. Found in elevations ranging from 2,500 – 8,000 ft. on sites with precip. zones from 4.5 – 11 inches on well-drained medium to course textured soils. The rated forage value varies with animal species and alternative forage available, but has some forage value and wildlife habitat value for food and cover. Valuable for revegetation of adapted sites. Plant in fall ½ – ¾ inch deep. 21,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile