Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Ephedra viridis,
Green Ephedra (Native)

Medium, 2 – 4½ ft. tall, evergreen shrub found in same states as Nevada Ephedra, plus southwest Wyoming from 3,000 – 7,500 ft. elevation. Grows on shallow to medium depth, usually coarse to medium textured soils along washes, rocky slopes and ridges. Tolerant of calcareous and weakly saline soils. Good forage for browsing animals, especially in winter and valuable habitat for a number of species of wildlife. Used for range and wildlife habitat improvements, especially on winter ranges. Also used for revegetation of disturbed sites and for native landscaping. Minimum precip. is 7 – 10 inches. Plant in fall ½ deep. 25,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide