Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Festuca arundinacea  (Schedonorus phoenix),
Tall Fescue (Introduced)

Medium to tall, long-lived, cool-season, bunchgrass.  Adapted to all soil textures where sufficient moisture is present but does best on medium to clay textures.  Easily established.  Moderately tolerant to alkali, saline and acidic soils.  Tolerant of poor drainage, flooding and cold conditions.  Good producer and fair palatability.  Good fall and winter pasture.  Used for hay, turf, pasture, range improvement and wildlife food and cover.  Also used for soil stabilization.  Minimum precip. is 16 – 18 inches.  Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep. 227,000 seeds/lb.

Named Releases: Many Turf Type

Named Releases: Common Forage Type: ‘Alta’ (Cultivar) Released in 1940 from 3 German accessions. Good winter hardiness, high forage producer and stays green during dry summers.

‘Fawn’ (Cultivar) Released from a European accession in 1964. Selected for high chromagen and crude protein content and high seed yield. Matures earlier than Alta and has more spring growth vigor.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet