Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Festuca ovina,
Sheep Fescue (Native)

Short, ½ – 1 ft. tall, densely-tufted, perennial, drought-tolerant, cool-season, extremely variable, bunchgrass (with tillers).  Adapted to a wide variety of soils but does best on well-drained medium to fine textured soils.  Important, quite palatable forage plant, especially in early spring.  Valuable for range and wildlife habitat improvement and turf.  Also for mining and related soil disturbing activities reclamation. Minimum precip. is 8-10 inches.  Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inches deep. 600,000 seeds/lb.

Named Release: ‘Covar’ (Cultivar) Released in 1977 by the WA ARC, WSU ID/OR AES and Pulman, WA PMC. Source of ecotype is from Kanya, Turkey. Covar is a drought tolerant, aggressive competitor that forms good erosion and weed control.

‘Bighorn’ PVP turf type Sheep Fescue released by Turf-seed Inc.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide