Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Festuca trachyphylla, Hard Fescue
(old nomenclature: Festuca ovina duriuscula) (Introduced)

Similar to Sheep Fescue, except somewhat taller, coarser, less drought-tolerant, more aggressive and less palatable. Used mostly for turf and revegetation of disturbed sites. Minimum precip is 12 – 14 inches. Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep. 600,000 seeds/lb.

Named Release: ‘Durar’ (Cultivar) Released in 1949-1961 from a selection of European ecotypes. Aggressive soil stabilizer with moderate water requirements for use on adapted sites.

‘Serra’ (Cultivar) More moderate water requirements than many turf type fescues and a dark green color.

Other Turf Types.

USDA: Plant Profile | Fact Sheet