Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Heliomeris multiflora
Showy Goldeneye


Heliomeris multiflora, Showy Goldeneye
(Old nomenclature: Viguiera multiflora) (Native)

Short-lived, bushy, perennial, 1 – 4 ft. tall. Blooms in summer with showy, bright yellow, sunflower-like flowers. Adapted to many areas of the western US, from mid to high elevations. Grows on most soil textures including rocky gravels. Reseeds itself well from seed. Likes full-sun to partial-shade. Low water requirement, drought-tolerant and cold-hardy. Excellent palatability for many species of wildlife and livestock. Fairly easily established. Valuable, under used, native forb species adapted to many sites for land restoration and beautification.  Minimum precip. is 12 – 15 inches. Plant fall or spring ¼ inch deep. 1,050,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide