Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Krascheninnikovia lanata, Winterfat
(old nomenclature: Ceratoides/Eurotia lanata) (Native)

Small to medium, 1 – 3 ft. tall, erect or spreading, long-lived, sub-shrub distributed throughout the arid and semi-arid regions in the western US from near sea level to almost 10,000 ft. elevation. Grows on all soil textures, mostly on valley floors but also on slopes, ridges and shallow rock outcrops. Moderately tolerant to alkali and salt but intolerant to acid. Variations exist in different ecotypes. Cold-tolerant. Generally not fire-tolerant. Highly palatable and nutritious forage for both livestock and wildlife especially in the fall and winter. Excellent cover and food for a number of species of wildlife. Fair tolerance to grazing. Very valuable shrub for range and wildlife habitat improvement and restoration, especially on winter ranges. Also used for mine reclamation, roadside revegetation and native landscaping. Important to get seed from sources with compatible environmental conditions. Minimum precip. is 5 – 8 inches. Plant in fall 1/16 – ¼ inch deep. 112,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide