Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Phleum pratense,
Timothy (Introduced)

Medium height, 1½ – 3 ft., short to medium-lived, cool-season bunchgrass.  Adapted to all soil textures but does best on medium to fine textures with adequate moisture. Fair salt and alkali tolerance.  Excellent cold-tolerance and winter-hardiness.  Poor drought and heat-tolerance.  Easily established.  Moderate to highly palatable and nutritious, but not resistant to close continuous grazing.  Very valuable and important for hay, pasture, range improvement and soil stabilization.  Minimum precip is 16 inches.  Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep. 1,2500,000 seeds/lb.

Named Release:Climax’ Developed in Canada. Tall, good nutritious forage producer, later maturing variety with good fall regrowth.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet