Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Poa compressa
Canada Bluegrass (Introduced)


Poa compressa,
Canada Bluegrass (Introduced)

Medium height, 20 – 30 inches, long-lived, cool-season, rhizomatous, open sod-forming grass. Adapted to low fertility, neutral or acidic shallow soils. Palatable, nutritious forage producer. Used for low maintenance turf, erosion control and range improvement. Minimum precip. is 18 inches. Plant fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep.  2,500,000 seeds/lb.

Named Release:Rubens’ (Cultivar) Released in 1974 from a Rubens, ID source. Developed for early maturity, low moisture and fertility requirements and good seed production.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide