Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Poa fendleriana,
Muttongrass (Native)

Perennial, cool season, ½ – 2 ft. tall, bunchgrass common in many areas of the western states in a number of different habitats from 3,000 – 11,000 ft. elevation. Mutton- grass is one of the most drought-tolerant and low moisture requiring bluegrass. Grows best on well-drained clay-loams but also occurs on sandy and gravelly soils. Adapted to sites receiving 10 – 22 inches of precip. Very palatable and nutritious forage for wildlife and livestock. Valuable species for restoration of many habitat sites in the western US. Plant in fall or spring ¼ inch deep. 890,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide