Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Quercus gambelii,
Gamble Oak (Native)

Clone, dense-stand forming rhizomatous shrub, 3 – 20 ft. tall or taller found in NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO, WY, SD on sites between 3,250 – 10,000 ft. elev. Grows on a variety of medium to coarse soils in the 10 – 20 inch precip. zones often forming areas of large, dense, thicket-like stands. Ecologically important in providing food and shelter for many species of wildlife, both large and small, bird and mammal. Poisonous to livestock if more than 50% of their diet. Vigorous resprouter after fire. Plant fresh seed in fall, 1 – 2 inches deep. 250 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile