Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Sanguisorba minor,
Small Burnet (Introduced)

Perennial, ½ – 2 ft. tall, winter-active, semi-evergreen forb. Blooms in summer with pink flowers. Adapted throughout much of the western US. Grows on all soil textures but does best on loamy and silty soils. Moderately tolerant to salt, alkali, acid and infertile soils. Good, palatable forage producer, moderately tolerant of grazing. Easily established. Very valuable species for range, watershed and wildlife habitat improvement. Also useful for disturbed site revegetation. Minimum precip. is 12 inches. Plant in fall or spring ¼ – ½ inch deep. 55,000 seeds/lb

Named Release:Delar’ (Selected Release) from European origin by the NRCS and the Idaho AES in 1981. Selected for outstanding seed and forage production, good cold-tolerance, and palatability for both wildlife and livestock.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet