Mother Nature’s Best When it comes to spectacular beauty Mother Nature is hard to beat and a diverse array of fabulous wildflowers is truly one of Mother Nature’s best sites. Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc. offers a fantastic selection of wildflower species of seed. Our selection includes a number of species that are hand harvested from wildlands in various areas of the Western U. S. Other species are produced in cultivated fields. Our selection of standard wildflower mixtures contains many of the best wildflowers that Mother Nature has to offer. Many of our species are not found in other company’s wildflower mixtures because of their higher costs and low availability. Many are species that are more specifically native to the Intermountain Region of the U. S. We are pleased that we are able to offer our exclusive premium wildflower mixes at a very reasonable cost. We offer seven standard wildflower seed mixtures for use in the Western United States. Each mix contains a large number of species that have been selected to provide a broad range of geographic and environmental site adaptability while creating a spectacular display of many colors and shapes of blossoms throughout the growing season. Most of the species are perennials that will grow year after year but some annuals are included to insure rapid first year establishment and flowers as most perennials species are a little slower to flower. Most of the annual species will reseed themselves each year to maintain a presence in your wildflower site. The Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix, Great Basin/Colorado Plateau Wildflower Mix, Southwest Desert Wildflower Mix, and the Midwest Wildflower Mix are comprised of only species native to the USA. The Semi-Low Growing Wildflower Mix, Annual Species Wildflower Mix and Value Great Basin/Colorado Plateau Wildflower Mix contain mostly native USA species but also a few introduced species. Sometimes it may be desirable to plant a moderate amount of non-aggressive, clump-type species of grass with your wildflower mix or possibly a showy ornamental type shrub species. If one of our 7 standard wildflower seed mixes does not cover your needs a custom mix can be made to your specifications. In order to achieve a successful wildflower-planting project Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc. has developed a written “Quick Guide To Successful Establishing a Wildflower Site.” Just ask for a copy. For more information you can contact us here.STANDARD WILDFLOWER SEED MIXTURES
Rocky Mountain Wildflower Mix
Spectacular mix of all native, mostly perennial and a few annual, showy wildflower species adapted from the mid-mountain to alpine elevations with 16 inches or more annual precipitation or lower elevations with supplemental water added.
Penstemon species, Lupine species, Aster species, Aspen Daisy, Paintbrush species, Sticky Geranium, Showy Goldeneye, Rocky Mountain Iris, Scarlet Gilia, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, Lewis Flax, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Mexican Hat, Colorado Columbine, Western Yarrow, Duncecap, or Rocket Larkspur.
Mountain Phlox, California Poppy, Plains Coreopsis, Birds-eye Gilia, Firewheel, Indian Blanket Flower, Nelson’s Larkspur. Approximate Seeds per lb. 567,398 Suggested Planting Rate: 7-14 lbs/ac. or 2-4 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
Great Basin/Colorado Plateau Wildflower Mix
Very showy, multi-color, blossom size and shape mix of all native, mostly perennial but some annual species adapted from the valley floors to mid-mountain areas of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau areas in precipitation zones from 8-15 inches.
Western Yarrow, Paintbrush species, Sulfur Buckwheat, California Poppy, Utah Sweetvetch, Scarlet Gilia, Lewis Flax, Lupine species, Evening Primrose, Penstemon species, Globemallow species, Lanceleaved Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Black-eyed Susan, Prarie Coneflower, Mexican Hat, Arrowleaf Balsamroot.
Firewheel, Indian Blanket, Bluebells, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Plains Coreopsis, Clasping Coneflower. Approximate Seed per lb.: 580,088 Suggested Seeding Rate: 7-14 lbs/ac. or 2-4 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
Southwest Desert Wildflower Mix
Drought and heat tolerant and low water requirement mix of brilliant, showy, mostly perennial but some annual native wildflower species adapted to southwestern United States.
Desert Globemallow, Firecracker Penstemon, Aster species, Evening Primrose, Desert Marigold, Palmer Penstemon, Brittlebrush, Lanceleaved Coreopsis, Blanket Flower, Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat, Black-eyed Susan, California Poppy.
Desert Lupine, Arizona Lupine, Mexican Poppy, Owls Clover, Desert Bluebells, Blanket Flower. Approximate Seeds per lb.: 763,330 Suggested Seeding Rate: 5 ½ lbs/ac. or 1.5-3 oz./1,000 sq.ft.
Midwest Wildflower Mix
Showy, colorful mix of native, mostly perennials but some annual wildflower species adapted to the Central Plains of the United States.
Lewis Flax, Blanket Flower, Black-eyed Susan, Prairie Coneflower, Mexican Hat, Purple Coneflower, Lanceleaved Coreopsis, Evening Primrose, Prairie Aster, Lupine species.
California Poppy, Bachelor Button, Clasping Coneflower, Plains Coreopsis, Birds-eye Gilia. Approximate Seeds per lb.: 334,760 Suggested Seeding Rate: 10-20 lbs/ac. or 3-6 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
Semi-Low Growing Wildflower Mix
A wonderful mix of mostly native but some non-native perennials and annuals providing great color and diversity and only reaching 6-20 inches in height at maturity. Best adapted to valley floors to midmountain elevations and 10-20 inches of annual precipitation.
Western Yarrow, Indian Paintbrush species, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Sulfur Buckwheat, Utah Sweetvetch, Scarlet Globemallow, White Evening Primrose, Iceland Poppy, Mexican Hat.
Bachelor Button, Wall Flower, Clasping Coneflower, Mountain Phlox, Baby Snapdragon, Flander Poppy. Approximate Seeds per lb.: 580,015 Suggested Seeding Rate: 7-14 lbs/ac. or 2-4 oz./1,000 sq. ft.
Annual Species Wildflower Mix
Designed to give a rapid burst of brilliant colored blooms as annuals do best. Composed of both native and non-native species. Adapted to most sites but additional water may need to be provided for establishment in dry areas. Must be replanted each year for best results.
Birds-eye Gilia, Mountain Phlox, Plains Coreopsis, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Scarlet Flax, Firewheel, Bachelors Button, Wall Flower, Clasping Coneflower, Baby Snapdragon, Flander Poppy. Approximate Seeds per lb.: 466,540 Suggested Seeding Rate: 9-18 lbs/ac. or 3-6oz./1,000 sq. ft.
“Value” Great Basin/Colorado Plateau Wildflower Mix
This mix was developed for those with a tight budget. Contains a mix of very showy multi-color and blossom size and shapes of both perennial and annual species both native and introduced species. Adapted from the valley floors to mid mountain areas of the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau areas in precip. zones 8-15 inches.
Western Yarrow, California Poppy, Blue Flax, Penstemon species, Black-eyed Susan, Mexican Hat, Arrowleaf Balsamroot.
Indian Blanket, Rocky Mountain Beeplant, Plains Coreopsis, Clasping Coneflower, Bachelor Button, Flander Poppy, Wall Flower, Annual Sunflower, Scarlet Flax. Approximate Seeds per lb.: 564,660 Suggested Seeding Rate: 5-10 lbs/ac. or 1.5-3 oz./1,000 sq. ft.