Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

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Schizachyrium scoparium
Little Bluestem (Native)


Schizachyrium scoparium,
Little Bluestem (Native)

Perennial, medium height, 1½ – 3 ft. tall, warm-season, occasionally rhizomatous bunchgrass, widely disturbed in much of the US especially on the Midwest Prairies. Adapted to a wide range of soil textures but does best on silty soils. Very palatable in spring and early summer for wildlife and livestock and provides good wildlife habitat, including birds. Drought-tolerant and low water requirements. Very valuable species for revegetation of disturbed sites on adapted sites. Plant late spring-early summer ½ inch deep. 260,000 seed/lb.

Named Releases: ‘Aldous’ (Cultivar) Released in 1966 by the KS AES, ARS and SCS. Source is from accessions collected from Flint Hill South of Manhatten, KS. Tall, leafy , vigorous, late maturing abundant forage producing strain.

‘Badlands’ (Cultivar) Ecotype released from the badlands regions of ND/SD in 1997. Developed for improved plant vigor, seed production, and disease resistance.

‘Cimarron’ (Cultivar) Released in 1979 by the Manhattan, KS PMC and KS AES. Source is from many sites in SW KS and panhandle of OK. Significantly better forage production and disease resistance than other strains in its adapted area.

‘Pastura’ (Cultivar) Released in 1963  from ecotype collected in San Miguel Co., NM. Excellent seedling vigor, true green, uniform growth, average herbage production.

‘Blaze’ (Cultivar) Released by NE AES/ARS in 1967, from collections in natural prairies in NE/KS. Leafy, mid-tall, late maturing.  Produced better stands and more productive than other selections and ecotypes.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet