Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Eriogonum umbellatum,
Sulfur Buckwheat (Native)

Perennial, ½ – 1½ ft. tall. Wide-spread and variable forb/sub-shrub species. Mat-forming foliage blooms in summer with umbel-clusters of usually bright yellow flowers. Adapted throughout most of western US from foothills to sub-alpine. Usually found on rocky flats or slopes with well-drained medium texture soils. Tolerant of full-sun or partial-shade. Drought-tolerant with low water use requirements. Valuable species for wildlife habitat for many species including attracting insects for wildlife food including sage grouse. Also extremely attractive plant for low water use landscaping. Valuable species for restoration of western rangelands and ornamental use. Plant in fall ¼ inch deep. 210,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet