Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Artemisia filifolia,
Sand Sage (Native)

Perennial, 3 – 5 ft. tall. Freely branching woody shrub found in NV, UT, AZ, NM, CO, WY, SD, OK, TX, and KS. Occurs on dunes, hills, flats, and slopes of well-drained mostly sandy texture soils from 2,500 – 7,000 ft. elev. Precip. zones range from 7 – 24 inches. Drought-tolerant and resprouts after fire. Browse forage value varies by location and other browse species presents but can be important in some locations. Also can be important forage and habitat for wildlife. Useful species for revegetation of adapted sites. Plant in fall on top of rough soil surface to 1/8 inch deep. 1,750,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile