Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Artemisia nova,
Black Sagebrush (Native)

Small, ½ – 2 ft. tall, evergreen shrub with darker green leaves distributed throughout the Intermountain Region from 4,000 – 9,000 ft. elev., on semi-arid, cold-desert habitats. Usually grows on shallow, rocky, often-calcareous, well-drained, medium-textured soils on ridges, foothills and plateaus. It also grows on other soil textures. Moderate alkali and fair salt-tolerance. Not tolerant of wet sites and high water tables. Very drought and winter-hardy. Good palatability to deer, antelope and sheep. Also very good food and cover for many species of wildlife including sage grouse and pygmy rabbits.  Not tolerant to heavy grazing. Used for range and wildlife habitat improvement on adapted sites. Also used for disturbed site revegetation. Minimum precip. is 6 – 7 inches. Plant in fall on top of rough surface to ¼ inch deep. 900,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide