Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Carex rostrata
Beaked Sedge (Native)


Carex rostrata,
Beaked Sedge (Native)

Grass-like, strongly rhizomatous, sod-forming, cool-season, perennial, 1 – 4 ft. tall. Found from low to high elevation usually by beaver ponds, bogs, swamps, marshes, and stream and pond edges. Can often be dominate or co-dominate species in adapted sites. Grows on silt-loam, clay-loam and loamy-sand soils usually with high water tables to standing water but also on drier sites. Somewhat saline, alkali and acidic soil tolerant. Usually considered good forage for livestock and wildlife and good habitat for wildlife species. Very valuable species for wetland and riparian areas restoration and soil stabilization. Plant spring or fall ¼ – ½ inch deep. 450,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile