Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Cornus sericea,
(Cornus stolonifera) Redosier Dogwood (Native)

Perennial, woody, deciduous, shrub, 4½ – 20 ft. tall that occurs in all the western states and east also. Most often found as a riparian species on moist sites near water. Produces small white flowers cymes followed by white or lead colored berry-like fruit. Very cold-tolerant, but not heat-tolerant and flood-tolerant. Grows on a variety of soils preferring rich moist soils from elevations from 3,500 – 6,000 ft. in the western states. Excellent food and cover for many species of wildlife. Very valuable species for riparian habitat restoration and also used for ornamentals. Plant in fall ½ inch deep. 19,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide