Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc

Availability: In Stock

Ratibida columnifera
Prairie Coneflower (Native)


Ratibida columnifera,
Prairie Coneflower (Native)

Perennial, 1 – 2½ ft. tall. Blooms all summer and into fall with yellow flowers. Distributed throughout the central US, on prairies, plains, scrublands and woodlands. Does best on deep, well drained loams, but also grows on sandy, rocky and gravely soils. Week tolerance of acid and salt and moderate tolerance to alkali. Valuable showy forb, for revegetation of disturbed sites and as an ornamental. Likes full-sunlight. Minimum precip. is 10 – 15 inches. Plant in fall or spring ¼ inch deep. 1,230,000 seed/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide | Fact Sheet