Stevenson Intermountain Seed, Inc


Rosa woodsii,
Woods Rose (Native)

Medium, 2 – 6 ft. tall, deciduous, rhizomatous, spreading shrub distributed throughout most of the Intermountain and Plains states. Most common on well-drained, loamy to sandy soils on plains, foothills, mountain slopes, abandoned fields, drainages, ditch banks and fence lines. An aggressive pioneer in adapted open areas. Tolerant of moderate acid and weakly basic non-saline soils. Intolerant of high water tables and poor drainage. Moderately palatable to livestock and browsing wildlife. Provides good cover and food for birds and small mammals. Valuable for wildlife habitat, especially upland game birds, soil stabilization and revegetation on disturbed sites, and for native landscaping. Minimum precip is 12 – 14 inches. Plant in fall ½ – ¾ inch deep. 45,000 seeds/lb. precip is 12-14 inches. Plant in fall ½ to ¾ inch deep. 45,000 seeds/lb.

USDA: Plant Profile | Plant Guide

You're viewing: Rosa woodsii
Woods Rose (Native)
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